
Warsaw, the capital of Poland, is a city pulsating with life, culture, and history. Warsaw offers easy access to many tourist attractions. In this guide, we present selected places that every visitor should see to fully experience the charm and diversity of this unique city. Especially from such a good starting point as a hotel near Chopin Airport.

Tor Służewiec (Hipodrom Służewiec)

Tor Służewiec, also known as Hipodrom Służewiec, is an iconic place for horse racing enthusiasts in Poland. Located in Warsaw, in the Mokotów district, it has been attracting both equestrian enthusiasts and those looking for unique entertainment for decades.

Tor Służewiec has a rich history dating back to 1939, when it was officially opened. It was designed as one of the most modern facilities of its kind in pre-war Europe. Despite changing fortunes over the decades, it remains an important center of equestrian culture in Poland.

Towyścigów konnych Służewiec

Spitfire303, CC BY-SA 3.0 PL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/deed.en, via Wikimedia Commons

The heart of the Hipodrom Służewiec is, of course, horse racing, which takes place regularly during the racing season from spring to autumn. The track hosts many prestigious races, including the Polish Derby – one of the most important events in the Polish equestrian calendar.

The hippodrome has an extensive infrastructure, including stands that can accommodate thousands of spectators, stables for racehorses, as well as various gastronomic facilities and service points. The area of the track is also a venue for various outdoor events, fairs, and festivals.

Attractions for Visitors
Beyond the exciting races, Tor Służewiec offers a range of attractions for the whole family. Visitors can not only watch competitions but also participate in educational activities related to equestrianism, tour the stables, and get a close look at the world of horse racing. Special attractions such as pony rides or workshops are prepared for the youngest visitors.

Hipodrom Służewiec is easily accessible by both public transport and car, making it an attractive place to visit not only for Warsaw residents but also for tourists.

Tor Służewiec remains a living testimony to equestrian traditions in Poland, while also offering modern entertainment for a wide audience. It is a place where passion for horses combines with the exciting atmosphere of sporting competition, making it an important point on the cultural and entertainment map of Warsaw.

Park Szczęśliwicki

Park Szczęśliwicki is one of the most characteristic and popular green areas in Warsaw, located in the Ochota district. It is a place that combines recreational, sporting, and educational functions, providing an ideal space for people of all ages and varying interests.

Park Szczęśliwicki was established in the 1970s on the site of a former sand mine. Its unusual landscape, with hills and valleys, is the result of the rehabilitation of post-exploitation lands. Over time, it became one of the most important points on the city's green areas map, offering Warsaw residents space for active outdoor time in nature.

Artificial ski slope — Park Szczęśliwicki is home to one of the few artificial ski slopes in Poland, attracting winter sports enthusiasts all year round.
Running and bike trails — The park has numerous paths and trails, ideal for running, cycling, or rollerblading.
Playground for children — The area is equipped with modern and safe playground equipment, which is very popular among the youngest.
Ponds and fountains — Water features of the park, around which you can relax and enjoy the closeness of nature.
Jordan Garden — A space with attractions for children, where they can safely play and develop their motor skills.

Park Szczęśliwicki is well-prepared to receive numerous visitors. Apart from comfortable benches and picnic spots, there are also gastronomic points and public toilets available. For barbecue enthusiasts, special areas have been designated where it is safe to light a fire and enjoy a meal outdoors.

The park is easily accessible by both public transport and car, with a rich parking offer in the vicinity. It is open all year round, regardless of the time of day or night, making it a popular meeting place for Warsaw residents and tourists seeking a moment of relaxation in the green space of the city.

Towyścigów konnych Służewiec

Ala z Alina Zienowicz, CC BY-SA 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/>, via Wikimedia Commons

Various events are regularly organized in Park Szczęśliwicki, from family fairs, through sports activities, to concerts and shows. It is a space that lives throughout the year, offering citizens and guests of the city a rich program of cultural and entertainment attractions.

In summary, Park Szczęśliwicki is an excellent example of urban green space that combines recreational, educational, and social needs. It is a place where nature goes hand in hand with activity, and the history of the place is as fascinating as its present.

Botanical Garden of the University of Warsaw in Powsin

The Botanical Garden in Powsin, officially known as the Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Sciences, is one of the most charming and educational places on the map of the Warsaw area. Located slightly south of the city center, in the picturesque town of Powsin, it is an oasis of peace and greenery, where nature is at your fingertips.

The garden was established in 1974 as part of the Polish Academy of Sciences and has been continuously developing since then, offering its guests the opportunity to interact with the richness of flora from around the world. It is a place where science meets passion for vegetation, and knowledge about the natural world is conveyed in an accessible and engaging way.

Ornamental plants – The garden is famous for its impressive collections of ornamental plants, including roses, lilies, and magnolias, which bloom in full glory.
Alpine section – Presents mountain plants from around the world, simulating their natural environment.
Exotic plant area – In the garden's greenhouses, you can admire tropical and subtropical plants, including various species of palms, succulents, and orchids.
Arboretum – A vast mixed forest with a collection of trees and shrubs from different climatic zones.

Education and research
The Botanical Garden in Powsin also plays an important educational and scientific role. Workshops, lectures, and educational walks are organized here, aimed at different age groups, from children to seniors. It is a workplace for botanists and researchers, who conduct their studies on vegetation, species protection, and ecology here.

Attractions for visitors
Educational nature trails – Allow self-discovery of the garden's secrets, with information boards providing knowledge about plants and ecosystems.
Japanese Garden – A quiet and tranquil space that encourages meditation and relaxation among plants characteristic of Eastern culture.
Playground – A safe and creative play area for the youngest guests, allowing parents to explore peacefully.

The Botanical Garden in Powsin is easily accessible by both car and public transport from Warsaw. It has a convenient parking lot and is adapted for visits by people with limited mobility.

Thematic events are regularly organized here, such as plant exhibitions, gardening fairs, or science festivals, attracting nature lovers from all over Poland.

The Botanical Garden in Powsin is not only a place of relaxation and tranquility, but also an important educational and scientific center that promotes sustainable development and biodiversity protection. It is an excellent destination for family outings, school groups, and all those who wish to learn more about the secrets of the plant world.